Climate Change Australia

Hastings Branch in New South Wales - Campaigning for a Safe Climate and Energy Security for all.

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News May 2017

A Message from our President:

CCA Hastings recently produced a flyer to attract new members and it’s worth re-stating the information that appears on the reverse side to remind us why we exist.
We are facing a climate emergency which threatens the future of human civilisation.  The critical time to act is now.  A society-wide mobilisation is required on a scale and speed of the Second World War.  We did it then and we can do it now.  A rapid transition away from coal, oil and gas to 100% renewable energy is needed…
We know from the science that four fifths of all known fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground to stand any chance of keeping the climate safe.  We also know that the impacts of global warming are already being felt – not least along the Great Barrier Reef.
These two reasons alone make the Stop Adani campaign the most important yet in the battle for climate action.  In April, we launched Stop Adani Mid North Coast, attended by 120 people and last week-end we had Stop Adani concert attended by 75 people.
This campaign symbolises all the key elements in the struggle for a safe climate – curtailing emissions, more clean energy, new jobs in a low-carbon economy, protecting our natural home, indigenous rights, corporate responsibility, and governments that understand what is needed to ensure humans can continue to live on this planet.
There are many battles and skirmishes going on to Stop Adani and our next one is on Friday 26 May at 10 am at the Commonwealth Bank, Horton Street, Port Macquarie.  Join us to tell CBA to match Westpac’s new climate policy of no lending to new coal mines.
Harry Creamer
President, CCA - Hastings

Federal climate policy and budget:

CCA-H wrote a submission for the government’s policy review.  We made the point forthrightly that climate science is telling us that all developed nations must get to net zero carbon emissions by 2032, not ‘sometime this century’ as minister Frydenberg recently committed to!  Meanwhile a $24 billion black hole has been uncovered in the federal budget, thanks to research undertaken by the Greens.  This refers to the complete lack of funding needed for their Emissions Reduction Fund to meet Australia’s 2030 Paris commitments.  For more information -

Climate Council report:

Called ‘Risky Business: Health, Climate and Economic Risks of the Carmichael Coalmine’, the report highlights risks to the environment, public health and tourism.  If the Galilee Basin mine were a country it would rank in the top 15 worst emitting nations in the world.  It would emit more than 1.3 times Australia’s current annual pollution levels from all sources, putting it completely at odds with Australia’s commitment to tackling climate change -  

Volunteers wanted for national campaign:
The Climate Justice Convergence is creating a support team of committed volunteers.  They are looking for 4-6 people to develop resources, encourage communication, and amplify actions and events.  Expressions of interest are being received until Friday 2 June.

Click here to Find out more about the team and what taking part would involve.

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Energy Forever strikes a blow for renewables:

Your local community renewable energy project has achieved a major milestone – donor funding for the first host site at St Agnes Early Childhood Day Care Centre.  Selling panels at $333 each, the project has raised over $20,000 - enough to power the Centre and reduce their electricity bills over 15 years.  Money received will go into a sustainability fund for use by the community.  The search is now on for the second host site.

Pressure mounts for better policy support for EV uptake:

Australia’s uptake of electric vehicles remains stalled. Last year, a total of just 219 fully electric cars were reported as sold throughout Australia last year, compared to 12,000 hybrid vehicles, 363,000-plus diesel vehicles and more than 768,000 petrol fuelled cars. But a new industry-led national body established to drive the country’s uptake of electric vehicles – both as the future of automotive transport, and as key components of the future low-carbon, distributed renewables grid – hopes to remedy this.   Read more at RenewEconomy:

New coalmines will leave more people in poverty:

Coal is bad for people and the planet: it doesn't make any sense to keep digging up and burning it. A staggering 122 million people will be driven into extreme poverty by 2030 because of climate change fuelled by coal pollution, Oxfam has said in a new report, calling on Australia to commit to no new coalmines and to end public subsidies for coal mining. Read more in the Guardian:

Collision Course:

CCA Member, Dr Kerryn Higgs, has written a book called Collision Course. Click here to hear an interview with her by Dave Gardner, about her book:

Haven’t renewed yet this year?  Not a member yet? Renewing/joining is easy – you can find the membership form with details here:


